IF Formula in MS Excel MS Excel formulas are the easiest way to understand : MS Excel If Formula is very important and easy to use. It is a logical formula, where you will have to apply your own logic. So that you can easily find out the result. As a result, we can get True or False values, or also we can put the value as per our choice according to a true or false results. It works fast and is easy to apply. If you would like to learn MS Excel so there are few formulas, where you must have a good command. Formula: “IF If you are a daily excel user, you must know the uses of “IF” Formula. 1 - It is a condition-based formula 2 - We must have at least two conditions. A-True... B-False... 3 - Syntax is : IF(logical_test input cell ( eg. A1 ), { value_if_true }, { value_if_false }) This blog will provide you the syntax and uses of IF formula. You can use IF formula within the worksheet, different worksheets, and crea...