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What Is Conditional Formatting & How To Use

How To Create Formatting In Microsoft Excel

Conditional formatting is easy and it can make your report effective and also an important feature of Excel. Conditional formatting provides a style of your data. You can set a condition of your data,
Let suppose we have a data of school attendance sheet and we want it shows separate color with Absent, Present and Leave. We can make it by Conditional Formatting.
Path >>>> Home >> Conditional Formatting >>> New Rules
Short Cut Key :   Alt + H + L + N

In this example, we have data of student's attendance absent and present of one week. We want to highlight the absent fields only. Let suppose we want to highlight all absent as yellow. Follow the path Home >> Conditional Formatting >>> New Rules  or use the short cut key Alt + H + L + N . The first step is to select the data where you want to apply the conditional formatting. Then go to Conditional Formatting and click New Rule as the image below.
Follow the image-1 below for more clarification.

Conditional Formatting
Image: 1

After clicking New Rule one dialog window will be open "New Formatting Rule" window, select "Format Only Cells That Contain" then select Specific Text and in the input space we will type only "A" (Because we marked absent as A) then click Format Button (Follow Image - 2 red highlighted arrows).

Conditional Formatting
Image : 2

Once we click Format Button, One dialog box will be open Format Cells. From Format Cells dialog box we can choose a color for cells. Then select Fill and choice the color and click  OK.
Follow the red highlighted arrows.

Conditional Formatting
Image : 3

Once we click Ok the conditional formatting will start effecting. We will get the result. All absent fields will be reflected as yellow. See the output in image-4.

Conditional Formatting
Image : 4

My suggestion is to prepare the same data and follow the image 1 to 4, hope you can understand easily. You can add more colors to different categories. You can also mark present cells as green or any color following the same procedure. Practics, again and again, to make your doubt clear.

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