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Showing posts from May, 2016

What Is Conditional Formatting & How To Use

How To Create Formatting In Microsoft Excel Conditional formatting is easy and it can make your report effective and also an important feature of Excel. Conditional formatting provides a style of your data. You can set a condition of your data, Let suppose we have a data of school attendance sheet and we want it shows separate color with Absent, Present and Leave. We can make it by Conditional Formatting. Path >>>> Home >> Conditional Formatting >>> New Rules Short Cut Key :    Alt + H + L + N In this example, we have data of student's attendance absent and present of one week. We want to highlight the absent fields only. Let suppose we want to highlight all absent as yellow. Follow the path Home >> Conditional Formatting >>> New Rules  or use the short cut key Alt + H + L + N . The first step is to select the data where you want to apply the conditional formatting. Then go to Conditional Formatting and click New Rule

What is Group in MS Excel.

Group and Sub Group In MS Excel Some times we have huge data and it is not easy to control or move inside the sheets from one row to another or one column to another. We can summarize the data with the help of " Group Function ". Some times it looks very difficult but if we understand we can use the " Group Function " and make our reporting easy. We can use grouping in both rows as well as columns separate. Group: Short Cut Key  :      Alt + A + G + G Before using a short cut key you must select the range to apply the function. Example 1 - How To Apply Group In Rows. Let suppose we have data of school attendance and we want to create a group among the students. We can select the data and Go To Data from the menu bar and click Group .  Image: 1 Result:        After clicking on Group Button, we can see the result in image 2. See the red arrow (Image: 2 ) one (-) minus sign is start reflecting, we can click to make the report length reduce.

How To Use Max, MaxA & Min, MinA Formulas in MS Excel

Use Of Max, MaxA And Min, MinA Formulas In Microsoft Excel. MS Excel formulas: Easiest way to understand Syntax and usage : Max Function : Max function is used to get the minimum value from the table or data or Max formula returns the maximum value form the data. Let suppose we have a list of different amount and we want to check the maximum value within the data, so we can use this formula Max ( ). Microsoft Excel two very useful and simple functions are “MIN” and “MAX”. Both function has the reverse function to each other, finding the smallest and largest value in the cell or from range of cell. We can also use it to find values in huge database.  Syntax Max (Number1, Number2, ......) Min Function : Min function is use to get the minimum value from the data base. With the help of this function you can get minimum values from the data easily. Syntax Min (Number1, Number2, ......) Max and Min formula is defined in the below example. Now we have the maximum and mi

Learn MS Excel Step By Step.

  Lets Learn Microsoft Excel In Easiest Way. Dear Readers - Before starting I would like to share some important points with you to make your learning easy and interesting. First of all remember one point which is very important and the point is you will have to practices according to this tutorial if you want to learn faster. We have divided the tutorial into different classes. From class one to class end you can learn basic excel as well as advance excel. The another point to be remember is you have to understood the basic concept then only you can handle complicated formulas. If you understand the basic logics then only you can use it very easily and everywhere according to your use. Always remember that excel is very easy and interesting.  Microsoft Excel is most popular application using all over world. It may be official use, business use or some time personal uses. My recommendation is don't try to learn very fast, as you know a practices make a man perfect but there i

How To Define a name in Microsoft Excel, How to check the spellings and Use of Format Printer

3 Steps to make your excel reporting work easy, faster, effective, and error-free. A lot of functions over Microsoft Excel make your work easy fast and interesting. We are covering three functions step-wise. The given below three functions are very useful and almost all excel users can use these functions on daily basis. Follow the steps one by one and feel how easy steps can make your work fast and interesting. A - Define the name of your table B - F7 for spelling check C - Format Printer Follow The Three Steps ..... Step - 1 A - Define A Name Of Your Table Or D ata Explanation: “Define a name of your table or data” means you can assign a name of your data. Let suppose every day we use excel and make difficult reports using formulas VLookup, Hlookup, Sum etc. A lot of formulas in excel where we select data to get the correct output. in order to make your work easy and fast we can assign a name of all data. After assigning a name we don't need to select

What is Data Validation In Microsoft Excel

How Data Validation Works In MS Excel. Uses and explanation of "Data Validation” Function. MS Excel formulas: Easiest way to understand Syntax and usage : Explanation: Data validation is a function or feature in Microsoft Excel to make your report effective and easy to use. Data Validation  provides a restriction to use the data or in the other words we can say it provides a limit or control of values that you have to select. Let suppose we have a report and we want to enter blood group of all staffs. In order to make report easy we can can set a limit of data to allow only blood groups like "A", "A+", "B", "B+", "O", "O+", "AB" ...... etc. In example 1 we can see how set data validation limit. After select the data we don't need to write any thing, one drop down button will reflect with all blood groups. Short Cut Key : Press  --   Alt + A+ V+ V Follow the Link : In MS Excel Go To &

How To Use "Count" - "CountA" - "CountBlank" - "CountIF"

Use Of "COUNT" - “COUNTA” – “COUNTBLANK” – “COUNTIF” Formulas in MS Excel Uses and explanation of "COUNT” Formulas MS Excel formulas: Easiest way to understand Syntax and usage : A - Syntax: = COUNT(Value1, Value2,….) Explanation: Function "COUNT” is very useful working over the excel data. The main work of "COUNT” function to contain the numeric values only. Non numeric and blank values do not contain by "COUNT” function. Let suppose we have huge data with a mixture of names, numeric values and some blank cells. But the requirement is to get only numeric values exact count. You can use "COUNT” to get the exact number of numeric values. But always remember the "COUNT” function will provide only count. (Example: Two cells have numeric values like A1: 500 and A2: 300 after using the "COUNT”   function you will get the result : 2. Function "COUNT”   will not add the values only gives you the count. For more clarificatio